Go ahead...read it. I was going to regale you with some more bike riding experience but this is way more important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the speech from the Oklahoma University graduation. A friend of my son's found it on the Internet and shared. Thanks, Adam,you are an evil genius!!
The race is on in Family Circle magazine also as they are having their annual presidential bake off. They went to press before Hillary dropped out so Bill's(WHA????) recipe is in the running. You can probably find them on the magazine's website or just glance at the mag in line at the grocery store. It's right in the front.
They seem to think there is some correlation between the winner of the bake off and the winner of the Presidency. So Bill's(HUH???) recipe probably won't win. I think Cindy McCain's recipe is on the back of the butterscotch morsels bag(I'm just sayin'......) and poor Michelle Obama put in shortbread cookies made with Amaretto( A little elitist but a great idea) and optional dried fruit(Really? I am making a big face you can't see--oh, wait maybe you can.
Yes, that's the one. I made that face at John McCain's speech too.
I try not to make it in public but I just couldn't help it. If you read it you know why.
I was going to post this tomorrow hence the title but I just can't wait. Read it. Believe it. Then vote for your favorite cookie. Is this some kind of a country or what?
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