Monday, November 30, 2009
What's That Falling on My Head?

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Time Flies

Monday, November 23, 2009
They turn out pretty well too. I even have one from one of the casinos where we are looking up at a gold reflecting light fixture and my family is in the reflection. It is pretty cool and also gold and shiny so it is my screensaver right now. As a matter of fact, here it is:
You probably can't see us so you will have to take my word for it. I've thought about it and probably we got inspired by our cousin's daughter's wedding pics taken at the Bean in Chicago. It is a real giant reflection so the pics are great.
My favorite is the one my sis took at the Liberace museum. It is the four of us flanked by a couple of those outrageous outfits he was famous for. I don't have that one on my computer to share though.
Sometimes we don't like our reflections and my husband has a theory about that. He says only to look in mirrors where you like how you look. That is great advice--possibly even words to live by!
Now, I bet you thought I was going to reflect on life or something but I'm not. Sometimes things are just what they appear to be!
Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009
The Pa(l)in is Back

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Sleepless in Mentor

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Climb Every Mountain
I think they were just kidding around in that last one. He couldn't have pushed her over the brink because they all came home unscathed!!
Moms have the right to worry about their family's safety but they don't have to hang around and watch them be daring either!
Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Oh, Honey..Ahh Sugar Sugar

Friday, November 13, 2009
He's Baaack!

No Dough Girl

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Angels Among Us

There are angels among us. If I see a monarch butterfly, I know my dad is saying hello. I have to be careful not to say "Hi, Dad" out loud so nobody thinks I am crazier than they already think I am.
If I see a white feather in an unexpected place, I know my mom is sending a shout out to me. We saw one in Vegas and a tiny orange and black butterfly too. Only once. Totally unexpected. My sister and I. My cousin.
On the plane on the way home my dad stopped by to say hello too. That hardly ever happens. I felt him more than saw him but I almost saw him. He gave me a little kiss on the forehead and I startled awake. I had been in a half dozy state. His presence almost enveloped me before I knew it was him. It was, I'm telling you. I'd know my dad anywhere.
Once I "saw" my dad and my father-in-law in church. They just stood behind us and I could feel how proud of us they were. Even guys who don't share feelings well get good at it when they reach angel status.
If you are aware and quiet and watchful, your angels will touch you too. Really.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Birthday Bog

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Up Up and Away

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The Invisible Woman

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Armed and Ready

Monday, November 2, 2009
Furiouser and Furiouser
Does this bank have any idea how long I have been their customer? Does this bank have any idea how hard I worked to pay off these damn cards???????
Then to try to facilitate a solution, I foolishly called the 1-800 number they gave me and three guesses...I was talking to some woman in India ala Slumdog Millionaire! She told me that it is the bank's policy and I got another 1-800 number from her and they wanted my card number which I don't have because I shredded the card I no longer use. SO I hung up.
Tomorrow I will go to my branch and deal with a human who can help me out of this mess and if they don't I will be moving to a new bank....hopefully, a better bank. A sensible bank that doesn't have stupid policies.......hmmm, wonder if that even exists??