Sometimes life is just a whirlwind. This Thanksgiving holiday was just like that.
On Tuesday, my daughter arrived. On Wednesday, I did all my cooking and then we went shopping and bought out Target.
On Thursday, we watched the parade and kept saying "who in the heck is that?" and then my dear sis and her hubby made dinner. Those two are a Thanksgiving marvel. They can cook, serve and clean up without raising so much as a drop of sweat! They are like a well oiled machine. And the best part is that the meal is so delicious you wish you were like a cow--having two stomachs would be great! My daughter brought wine from her favorite winery in MI and my son took over the mashing of the potatoes and did an excellent job too. My nephew was home from college and we were all together for the first time in eight years!
No more skyping or speaker phone conversations for us! We will likely be together every Thanksgiving from now on....unless somebody moves far away again.
On Friday, my daughter and I braved the throngs and did the Black Friday thing. WOW!!! Kohl's was so crowded and crazy and busy, I couldn't believe my eyes. It took forever just to get a parking place and then we had to leave to go to lunch as we were meeting my sis.
Thank goodness for that respite in the middle of the day. Lunch with sis was like an oasis in the desert! We had tea and great food and then went on our way. All in all we hit up eight stores that day and my car was filled to the gills. That night, my son took us all to Zocolo for dinner and we had great Mexican food and the most giant margaritas you ever saw. They even made us guacamole at the table. YUM!!
Saturday, I was in a craft sale and I am putting it here in writing. I am done as a crafter! Just trust me on this one. I did have fun with my good friend and her sis and my daughter even hung out with us during part of the day but trust me, I'm done. Put a fork in me and all that!
Saturday night we went out for Italian as a family and that was a nice quiet dinner and then home for a little conversation and bed.
Now it is Sunday morning and I wish it was last Tuesday again. Daughter is getting ready to go home, Son is doing his own thing, and I'm done with my shopping and so is DH! Tomorrow the carpet cleaning guys come and then it is time for the Christmas decorating! But I will mourn the passing of Thanksgiving. It was a real blessing.
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