In a few days my son will be thirty years old. He thinks he is old. Oh, if he only knew. Oh, if we all only knew on the day we turned thirty what we know on the day we turn sixty.
When you're thirty, you only have aches and pains from working out too hard. When you're sixty, you have aches and pains because you got out of bed.
When you're thirty, you think you've seen it all. When you're sixty, you know you'll never see it all.
When you're thirty, you can stay up until 2 a.m. and party. When you're sixty if you are up at 2 a.m. you have insomnia.
When you're thirty, you have all the time in the world. When you're sixty, time is starting to run out.
When you're thirty, you can start training for a marathon. When you're sixty, you can start training for a marathon but you'll probably kill yourself.
When you're thirty, you can have a few drinks and wake up in the morning refreshed. When you're sixty if you have a few drinks you wake up with heartburn.
When you're thirty, you can flirt with the opposite sex. When you're sixty, you can flirt wit the opposite sex but they get grossed out.
When you are thirty, you can celebrate your birthday. When you are sixty, you just want to skip your birthday.
So enjoy being thirty, son. It's a long way til sixty and the journey is worth it.
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