OK, so I'm not wearing green today. I'm not Irish but I'm married to an Irishman. My kids feel Irish on St. Patrick's day so we have always celebrated and more often than not I wear green and the Irish husband doesn't.
When I was young, it was a good excuse to drink and stay up late. When the kids were little, it was a good reason to make a cake or cookies with green icing. Today, I'll get taken out to dinner and will probably have a beer.
We are eating out not because it's St. Patrick's day but because our son is looking for a house and once in a while he wants our input. We're glad to do it and appreciate that he still respects our opinion. He's not had the Irish luck though unless it's bad. Everything seems to be going wrong but I have Swedish optimism and tell him to keep looking on the bright side. Today we'll see if it pays off.
Our daughter bought us all an Irish button for today. It says "Member of the Irish Drinking Team." I am the token Swede on the team. She named us that after we came to visit her and found we all had something in common--wine tastings and beer tastings!!! Not too shabby! We all think it is pretty funny! We'd all have better figures if we were members of The Irish Hiking club but Fate has handed us this commonality and we're going with it.
If you are Irish or not, a drinker or not, a hiker or not, have a happy St. Patrick's Day and remember on this day, everybody is Irish. Welcome to the team!
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