Ha! I am really getting driven crazy by the television ads lately...or should I say again. I have one that I love to hate more than any other. It is for the Ohio Lottery and there is this OBNOXIOUS woman who says that the Ohio Lottery Show is Aaawesoomme(awesome). I wish I could record that voice and play it here for you. If you wanted to drive someone mad, it would be a cinch with that one sentence. Plus she is all smiles like she's really cool and all proud of herself.
If I met that woman on the street I would have to slap the crap out of her....only in my imagination of course. If I really met her I would probably be a big suck up because she was on TV and is a "celebrity." I'd probably tell her she did a great job or I love her commercial or wouldn't be able to speak. I get really nervous around celebrities.
My daughter used to work as an actress in a Medieval Faire when she was in college and I could barely speak to the other actors--especially the king or the queen or someone who put on a show by themselves. It must be some kind of self esteem issue. I'm just glad she never ended up in Hollywood-I would have been struck dumb!
On the other hand, I would love to meet the guy who is in the insurance ads who wreaks havoc wherever he goes. I love that guy! Did you see him as the Christmas tree? He always has on a suit and all those bandages on his head. It cracks me up. I loved him from the first--when he was the teenage girl who hit a car in the parking lot. What a riot. I'd hope I wouldn't be tongue tied with him. I feel like I already know him.
I've never done well with strangers. When my kids were little and we had to enter a room of people we kinda knew or didn't know at all, they always went first and then I only had to say I was their mother. It worked well for someone who is shy in new situations.
Most people who know me would think I am the opposite of shy. The key word here is "know". I am outgoing and friendly for the most part--unless I am unsure of my status and then I become shy.
I'm betting the Ohio Lottery babe is anything but shy. Maybe I should look her up...as long as I could suppress that slap instinct!