Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas to All!

Today is Christmas Eve and it is 9 am and I have already begun to make food for our Smorgasbord tonight.
I'm not complaining because Christmas Eve is my favorite night of the year....and not because of the presents!
Everybody is home.  We have a small family(only 7 of us) but it is still hard to get everyone together for every event.  We all have a ton of food from shrimp to Swedish meatballs and all kinds of appetizers.  We only have a little dessert because we are always to full for it!!
We start the evening with a toast with Bailey's(Mmmmmmm) and then we dive in to everything.  We open gifts one at a time.  Everybody watches you and the giver waits with anticipation and everybody oohs and aahs with you.  When the kids were little it probably killed them to wait but they learned and it has become our habit.  My dad did it when we were kids too.  We learned that it is just as much fun to watch someone else open a gift as opening your own.
My dad made a great Santa.  He could really drag it out and make it all the more fun.  Now my sis is usually the Santa and she is so good at it we gave her a children's book entitled Santa Auntie.
We are always at my sis' house and her house is warm and cozy and full of candle light and soft lights.  It smells like Christmas in there.
I hope your Christmas Eve is as happy as ours.
And tomorrow as well.
And all the days of your life.
Here's to the Swedes and the fine tradition of the Smorgasbord and Christmas on Christmas Eve!

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