Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Boy, I am learning a lot about myself on Facebook. They have all kinds of quizzes you can take to find out about yourself...like what color my aura is...it's green, who knew? Wish it meant I was going to get a lot of money but it doesn't.
I also find out that I am most represented by the Andy Warhol painting of Marilyn Monroe. Now that is really off the beam so I took the test again and got a different result Margitte's Son of Man, I think it was called. It was a man with a giant apple obscuring his face. Now that is so me...at least the apple was green, like my aura.
I also found out that I am living in the wrong city. No kidding. I should live in San Francisco since I like temperate weather. Wish I could. Living in the wrong city isn't that bad though since my entire family(almost) lives here too.
I also found out that I most resemble Peg Bundy as a mother! Now that really surprised me but I don't know why..I never even watched that show so I don't know anything about her except she had giant hair and a lot of tight stretch pants. I don't have really big hair or any stretch pants at all but maybe it was for some other reason.
I don't have a lot of friends on Facebook but that's fine with me as I have trouble keeping up with all that is going on there as it is. I know some people have friends in the hundreds and even thousands...I can't imagine how they cull through it all in one day! Even if half your friends made one comment a day--it's mind boggling.
Some people think that Facebook isn't for people in my age group but it must be catching on as it is even in the comic, Jumpstart, in our local newspaper. The grandpa has his own page. So I feel like I can keep doing it and not be accused of trying to be younger than I am.
I even reconnected with my favorite bakery through Facebook so that was really worth it. Mmm, can't wait to order a cake from them.
Facebook may not have any redeeming social qualities but as long as I can get a Hough bakery cake, I could care less!

Oh, and PS to Anonymous---uh......no!


Brian said...
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Brian said...

"I even reconnected with my favorite bakery through Facebook so that was really worth it. Mmm, can't wait to order a cake from them. Facebook may not have any redeeming social qualities but as long as I can get a Hough bakery cake, I could care less!"Man, the internet's taken all the fun and mystique out of the Legend of Hough Bakery. We've tried for years to find something similar with no luck, and now, five seconds on the internet and "Oh, there it is." I almost don't want it now. On prinicple.

Brian said...

No, I do. I really do.
