Saturday, June 19, 2010

Time Flies

A parent doesn't have an easy time of it. Kids puke on you, they get you up in the middle of the night. They grow up and spend too much time on the phone and on the computer or with the XBox. They need money, they get in trouble, they can't remember how to cook chicken even though you told them a million times.

They might call with a broken heart or a ticket they can't afford or a million other things you don't want to hear and sometimes you think, "where did I go wrong?"

Then suddenly they are young adults and their dad has to have surgery and you are sad and scared and tired and they say, "Get out of the kitchen, Mom. We've got this covered" and hand you a glass of wine and you can sit with your poor husband as he is recuperating and say to one another, "Job well done!"

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