Saturday, June 15, 2013

Flag Day Wedding

Flag Day Wedding
Yesterday was Flag day and also my parents' wedding anniversary.  I look at the pictures of their wedding and it looks like any other wedding on any other day back in the forties.  Just imagine what a wedding would be like today.  I styled the bride, the maid of honor and the bridesmaids as you can see. 
I can picture all the tables too.  There would be lots of red and blue candles and a centerpiece which would include toiletpaper and paper towel tubes painted in bold red and silver and blue stripes with wicks to look like firecrackers.  The gift for each guest would be an American flag cookie.
Themed weddings are the big thing now.  If my mom had only known she could have started a trend. As it was, I think they only picked flag day because it fell on a Saturday that year.
I've been watching too much Four Weddings on TLC!

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