Sunday, June 16, 2013

Super Dad

Here is our super hero.  He is a wonderful dad.  He is a great spouse.  He is DH.
My kids adore him.
The secret to his success?  He is totally engaged.  His kids are all important too him.
He even played the chief of the Indians in the Thanksgiving plays our kids used to put on.  His best line ever was "pass the turkey."
He was always up for a game of Star Wars.  He shared his favorite Star Trek shows with the kids.  He introduced us all to Dr. Who.
Our kids are adults now and he is still the best dad they could have.  He still is up for anything Star Wars or Star Trek and we watch Dr. Who's Christmas special as a family.
My own dad was an amazing man.  I think he'd be really proud of the dad my DH is.

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