Monday, June 3, 2013

The Good, the Bad and the Rich and Famous

The man with no name.  Actually, the man with no lines.  Well, hardly any. 
Our first exposure to Clint Eastwood was when he made what they call spaghetti westerns.  That just means a western movie made in Italy.
They featured lots of shooting, lots of bad guys, some strange camera angles and one good guy who would clean up the whole mess, whatever it was.
Clint got to be Dirty Harry after that.  Those movies featured lots of shooting, lots of bad guys, better camera work and one good guy who would clean up the whole mess, whatever it was.  Dirty Harry also got to say, "Go ahead, punk, Make my day."  One of my favorite lines of all time.
Then Clint did a bunch of real dumb movies where he starred with his current girlfriend at the time.  They were so dumb that in one I think he socked an orangutan.  Or maybe the orangutan slugged him.  I don't remember and frankly, don't really care.  Either way, you get the idea.  DUMB!
Then, Clint started doing movies that were really good.  He was really good in them.  He still had the same scowl and he was the good guy but the guy could act.
Then, Clint became a director and man, was he good at it.  So good he got an Academy Award for directing.  Actors loved working with him.  He even smiled and once I saw him chuckle.
Clint turned 83 this week. I could hardly believe he was that old. I still see him as the guy at the top of this page.  Clint still has the scowl and he doesn't say much but he smiles a lot more. 
A guy who started out as an Italian cowboy turned into one of Hollywood's most famous and admired men.  Way to go, Mr. Eastwood and happy happy birthday.

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