Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Last Laugh

Oh, Paula,Paula,Paula.  You only made little jokes about black people.  You didn't mean any harm. Oh, you are so sorry and beg for our forgiveness.
You know, Paula, you're about my age.  What on earth is wrong with you?  So you grew up in the South where people make those kinds of jokes all the time but you're not a bigot.
I grew up in the North and believe me, I had a grandmother who refused to go down the same aisle in a store as black people but we didn't make those kinds of jokes all the time.
You haven't learned the fine art of filtering what you say.  You even told a lawyer in a court of law that you used the N word of course.  Have you never watched television?  Any one knows that in a court of law you say I might have, but I don't recall.
Did you think because you are the beloved Paula Deen that nobody would call you out on it?  Well, honey, you blew it.  People like a filter...especially on a gray haired lady whose reputation is one of  cooking with butter.
So you got fired. At least twice that I know of right now.  You may be fired again.
Quit trying to teach us what it was or is like in the South.  I suggest you spend your time learning new jokes.  Thanks to my friend, Misty, I have the first one for you.
Where do you find a one legged horse?      Wherever you left it.
Now, that's funny.

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