Friday, March 15, 2013

A Book I Love- Day 3 or the Thirty Day Challenge

Ok, you might not know this so I will tell you up front.  I was a Kindergarten teacher for most of my career and lower elementary when I first began teaching.  It's a heads up so you will understand my favorite book.
My favorite book of all time is Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's Magic by Betty McDonald.  It is about a bunch of misbehaving kid's and how their parents, with Mrs. Piggle Wiggle's help and a little magic, correct their behavior.
It is so funny and kids love it.  I read it to my kids on a car trip and DH had never read it and he loved it too.
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle accepts everyone's faults but helps them better themselves while doling out cookies and imaginative play.
I always wanted to go to her upside down house and explore.  I knew she could cure me of all my bad habits.
It is an old fashioned book where moms stay home and play bridge and make all kinds of kooky food.  The kind of  Mom who takes it on the chin when her kid brings home a pig with good manners.  Oh, yes, a pig with good manners....
Anyway the first two of the series are a must because they are so much fun.  So gather the kids around and read it together.  You will love it.

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