Saturday, March 16, 2013

Bullet My Day- Day 4 of the 30 Day Challenge

I don't know what that title even means.  Does it mean my day is shot to hell? That would be my luck.
Speaking of bullets, when I taught school our rule was no guns in school.  We had Legos and what does every little boy do with them?  Well, they make guns.  So that was a giant no,no.  We wanted school to be a place of peace and safety.
Well, one day, our classroom was so hot that we were all sweating.  There were open windows but not enough so I said to the kids, I'm opening more windows, I'm sweating bullets.
Eric(loved that kid) says to me, OH, Mrs. Gesing you said bullets.  No guns in school.
So I asked him what I should say instead.  He thought for a moment and said... sweating biscuits.  Oh, how I wanted to laugh but I didn't and "sweating biscuits" became the new phrase in kindergarten that spring.

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