Monday, March 24, 2008

The Egg and I

Yesterday I made that old standard, devilled eggs. How funny that became an Easter treat! You know--devilled... On Saturday, I boiled the eggs. Now recently, I have had some trouble doing that. I have burned(yes,burned) them, boiled them until the pan was dry and then some, and have forgotten more pans cooling on the burner and don't find them until much later. SO on Saturday, I paid attention and took them out when they were just right--just before we walked out the door to go shopping! I almost did it again.
Peeling hard boiled eggs can be easy or hard. I had no trouble with most of the eggs. They must have been older. Martha Stewart says those are the easy ones to peel. The fresher--the harder to peel. AND she said there can be old ones and fresh ones in the same package! So the last egg was quite a challenge. It gave me a dickens of a time--in other words it took forever. That shell came off in microbits. Thank goodness it was the last one. And then about halfway down the egg suddenly-- poof-- it slipped off the egg with the greatest of ease. SO does that mean that the egg was half old and half fresh?
The devilled eggs turned out well although not as well as my daughter's. When she is home for the holidays, they are her job. For an inexperienced cook, she makes killer devilled eggs. They are just the right consistency and the right amount of spiciness from the mustard. She really does love mustard, maybe that is why she does so well. Her real specialty is mustard chicken which is delicious. When she was little she even put mustard on peas!!
Chocolate eggs are my downfall. I love those Cadbury eggs that are all milk chocolate. Hershey makes them too and M&M makes them now. I love the crispy shell and the silky chocolate interior. This is about the only time of the year I really crave candy. I'd rather have cake most of the year...or cookies at Christmas. I think I bought about six bags this year--I gave the last one to my nephew yesterday to take back to college because today I am going on a candy hiatus. Most people give up candy for Lent--not me. I only eat candy during Lent.
I even made candy this year. I made chocolate butterflies for the top of the cupcakes. Ok, I had to practice a lot. It was a little hard to get the shapes and then to blend the dark chocolate into the blue chocolate so it looked a little like the pattern on a real butterfly wing. I used M&Ms for the body and even squeezed out dark chocolate antennae. Does this sound like a lot of work? It was. I only had to make six of them and all told it took me about a week. Why do I bother?
Because it was Easter and there were no signs of spring outside and I love my family and they love that I do these crazy things.
Anyway, no more chocolate eggs or devilled eggs for that matter. It's back to hard boiled eggs and fruit. Happy Easter!

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