Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Funny Thing Happened...

Okay, I worked today and I got the weirdest phone call. Some guy wanting to know if a certain company was still in existence in Lake County. I could hardly understand him as he had a really thick accent but I finally figured it out. Anyway, I told him I would find out and someone would call him back if he would leave a name and number. Well, says he, he will just email us. And then he hung up. Funny, huh?
Then I heard about Hillary Clinton. Seems like she is willing to be the Vice Presidential candidate but guess what?? THEY DON'T WANT HER!!!!! She got more of the popular vote than any candidate since Andrew Jackson or somebody and THEY DON'T WANT HER!!!!! You know why? Is it because of her bad wardrobe or that she is a girl or that she has said some dumb stuff about her opponent? Heck no, it's because OF HER HUSBAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Apparently, they have decided that Bill is somewhat of a loose cannon. Hello, they just noticed that?? Can anyone say Monica Lewinsky???????? Funny, huh?
On the Soap opera front, two men have fallen from the heights(one from the sky to the roof and another one down two stories through a skylight) in the last week or so. The roof guy GETS UP and is promptly arrested by the police(he'll be back) and the poor skylight guy is DEAD!!!! Dead, I tell you. Now I may be wrong but being pushed from a helicopter onto a roof and walking away without a scratch is pretty unreal and come on, then I'm to believe that the guy who fell ONLY two stories is dead????? Oh please! Anyway, I don't like to see any characters die especially the cute young men with nice chests but it is a done deal. Funny, huh?
The topper of the day was the French film I watched this afternoon. OHMYGOSH!!! It was about a clown who moved into a hotel owned by a butcher after the Apocalypse. All the food was gone so guess what the clown was supposed to be? You guessed it, dinner. Oh, those crazy French!! They do have la sense of humor don't they?? Anyway, the clown lived there with a bunch of whack jobs and hilarity(Such as it was) ensued until the end when the clown gets the girl and they go up on the roof to play the cello(her) and the musical saw(him, of course). I kid you not. Funny, huh?
I can't wait for this day to be over.... I don't think I can take much more "humor."


Anonymous said...

Hi Sue,

I got to your blog via a Google search on 'musical saw'... Thought I'd drop you a line, since I actually got to know the fellow who played the saw on the movie you saw (OK - this sentence came out strange...). That is not the actor you saw on screen. He was just acting like he was playing the saw. The music you hear on the movie's soundtrack was done by an amazing gentleman, a professional clown who played many different instruments. I am so sad that he passed away.
Anyway, just thought I'd tell you I enjoyed reading your blog.

All the best,

Saw Lady

Unknown said...

Thanks saw lady I figured he wasn't really playing It was eerie but beautiful music