Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day

Well, another Mother's day has come and gone. I always wonder what on earth my kids and husband have cooked up for me and yesterday was the best ever. It made me remember why I wanted to be a mom and why all those years of hurrying and working and keeping house were worth it.
My kids have turned into wonderful adults. Oh, they aren't perfect, but who is?? I am so proud of both of them it fills my heart. My son and I had a heart to heart talk. We hardly ever get a chance to do that. He is busy and comes to visit for short bursts. Yesterday, we had more time together and I cherish that opportunity. He is a terrific young man and has so much potential. He is really enjoying his new place and I loved hearing all about his neighborhood.
My daughter lives in Las Vegas and she of course could only call. We will see her shortly as she is coming home for a wedding. We have heart to hearts all the time so we didn't really have one yesterday but it was good to hear her voice and find out how her weekend had been.
The greatest gift my kids have given me has been their willingness to listen to what I have to say about their lives. They seem to think I have a little wisdom. It is the greatest gift to be able to talk with your children even though they are adults. I try not to tell them what to do since they are grown up. Maybe all that enlightenment paid off after all.

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